About this site:

There are currently many different models used to classify the different climates of the world. Some of these have a singular purpose such as the identification of ecosystems, or vegetation types, while others are more general and all-purpose. One of the reasons for this is that when investigators try to apply a particular model to the actual environment, they sooner or later run into problems and the old model is either modified or a new one is created.

On this site we will present a comprehensive and easy-to-use system of climate classification called the life and living zones. The reason for this name is simple: the life zones are a reference to the world of nature and the living zones refer to our part within it, to human activity. In the system of the life and living zones the forecast you might be listening to with your morning coffee are in the same “language” that highlights the beauty and diversity of the world in which we live.

In essence then, the numerical “language” of your local forecast and the With the new climate zones, then, the numerical “language” of the local weather forecast you might be listening to with your morning coffee is the same “language” that highlights the beauty and diversity of the world in which we live. We will see how this is possible, but for the moment let us say that this a very fortunate connection because in this day and age our activity as a society has to include in it the protection, management, and restoration of the natural environment on a massive scale. That may seem a lot to take in with a cup of coffee in the morning?

The “language” of climate classification begins with just two numbers, the temperature zone and precipitation grade, preferably of your own location to start. The rest of the numbers will be easily understood with this reference point in any branch of the subject.

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Discover and compare climates with temperature zones and humidity grades.

The higher the zone or grade the hotter and wetter the climate respectively.

About Us

Our goal is to establish a new perspective within the field of climate classification, one which is both practical and scientific. With that in mind we will introduce a new system of climate zones called, specifically, temperature zones, or in describing precipitation, humidity grades. Simply browse the climate charts and compare your location with others so as to gain some familiarity with the material.

Throughout our site we will also show the need for a comprehensive standard of climate classification and show how this standard can be developed in a big way around the new zones. This will include contrasting our system with other systems in the various branches of climate classification, for example, the Köppen systems, the Holdridge Life Zones, the USDA Plant Cold Hardiness Zones, to name a few of the most common.

Ultimately, we intend to use the system of zones to help make the all-important subject of climate and the many things which relate to it—from vacationing to ecosystems—very accessible to everyone, beginning with the very young. It becomes a matter of both appreciating and protecting the natural environment—of which climate is a part—and this is something which is now more important than ever.

The climate zones will prove to be an invaluable tool towards that end. They are not only a great starting point in this huge subject, being simple, easy to use and remember, but also very adaptable to all kinds of specialized uses. In this way the climate zones are for everyone: a graphic reflection of life and living in terms of climate.

The life and living zones offer a standard easily applicable to many topics:
  • agriculture
  • climate change
  • ecosystems
  • forestry
  • general knowledge
  • plant hardiness
  • travel
  • vacation
  • weather
  • etc.